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Liquid-cooled SynRM IE5 motors combine efficiency with output

07 February, 2024

ABB has launched a liquid-cooled version of its SynRM (synchronous reluctance) motor, combining the benefits of IE5 energy efficiency with effective cooling. The motors, which were first previewed at the SPS exhibition in 2022, can save energy and cut emissions in new projects or as drop-in replacements for less efficient motors.

The liquid-cooled motors are available in aluminium frame sizes IEC 200-315, spanning ratings from 37-710kW at 400V, or in steel frames on request.

The motors’ high power outputs increase design flexibility. They can allow machines to be upgraded to deliver higher outputs from the same footprint, or to achieve smaller footprints while maintaining the same output.

The motors are also much lighter than competing designs, making them easier to handle and install. A 240kW IE5 SynRM motor in a 315 frame weighs 870kg – about half as much as a similarly rated IE3 induction motor.

The liquid-cooled SynRM motors are also much more efficient than liquid-cooled induction motors, offering significant potential for upgrading. The cost of the energy to run a motor throughout its life accounts for around 97% of its TCO (total cost of ownership), with its purchase cost accounting for about 2%. IE5 motors have 40% lower energy losses than IE3 motors, making the payback time often less than a year.

Reliability is said to be improved by combining the effective cooling of the motor with the cool-running SynRM rotor and cooling ribs on the bearing assembly that reduce bearing operating temperatures. This should help to reduce the need for maintenance.

ABB’s liquid-cooled synchronous reluctance motors combine IE5 efficiencies with high performance

The motors are robust, with tight seals to keep out moisture, dirt and dust, and a smooth outer surface to prevent dust building up. They are suitable for demanding applications, such as marine propulsion, that require high power densities in restricted spaces.

Furthermore, the motors do not need fans or ventilation, so they will not disturb the surrounding air or release heat into the environment. This is a major benefit in processes that are affected by airflow – such as rubber and plastics production, or food and beverage applications such as chocolate-making. With no fans, the motors also have low noise levels.

“ABB pioneered both SynRM technology and liquid cooling for induction motors,” says Stefan Floeck, president of ABB’s IEC Low-Voltage Motors division. “Now we have brought them together in our IE5 SynRM Liquid-cooled motor that enables customers to enjoy the benefits of ultra-premium efficiency in an even wider range of applications. It is yet another world-first for this series following the launch of our IE5 SynRM Increased Safety motor for hazardous areas.”

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