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29 June, 2024

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Industrial Ethernet maintains its relentless rise

25 June, 2024

More than seven in ten (71%) of all industrial networking nodes installed around the world last year used industrial Ethernet protocols, according to the latest analysis by the industrial networking supplier, HMS Networks. As the industrial communications market expanded in 2023, the number of industrial Ethernet nodes installed grew by 12% compared to 2022. In 2022, industrial Ethernet nodes represented 68% of the total comms market.

Profinet is the most popular industrial protocol, with a market share of 23%, putting it ahead of EtherNet/IP on 21% and EtherCat on 16%. Modbus TCP, Powerlink and CC-Link IE each have 4% or less of the industrial communications market.

Traditional serial fieldbus installations are continuing to lose ground, slipping from 24% of the market in 2022 to 22% in 2023. Profibus is the most popular fieldbus, accounting for 7% of all new industrial networking nodes last year, followed by Modbus RTU on 4%, CC-Link and DeviceNet both on 3%, and Can/CanOPEN on 2%. HMS predicts that fieldbuses will experience a further 2% decline in 2024, but it adds that many machines and factories will continue to rely on fieldbuses for years to come.

Wireless communications technologies experienced a slight drop in market share from 8% to 7% in 2023, following several years of steady growth. However, HMS reports that the acceptance of wireless in factory settings is increasing, with typical applications including cable replacement, wireless machine access and links to mobile industrial equipment.

Each year, HMS Networks analyses the global industrial networking market, estimating the number of new connected nodes by type and by protocol. The new study includes estimated market shares and growth rates for fieldbuses, industrial Ethernet and wireless technologies. The figures are based on HMS’ own sales, insights from the industry, and an “overall perception of the market”. The study defines a node as a machine or device connected to an industrial field network.

Industrial Ethernet dominates the industrial communications market with sales rising by 12% in the past year. The wireless market has contracted by 1%, while the number of fieldbus nodes installed has fallen by 2%.
Source: HMS Networks

“Connectivity is now standard in factory automation, with industrial Ethernet leading the way,” says Magnus Jansson, product marketing director at HMS’ Anybus business. “However, as we look ahead, we anticipate a dynamic landscape with emerging trends and technologies. While industrial Ethernet currently dominates, we’ll witness exciting changes and innovations that will shape the future of industrial networking.”

HMS expects the industrial networking market to grow by a further 7% in 2024.

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