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30 June, 2024

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Danfoss Drives and Honeywell explore integrated platforms

27 June, 2024

Danfoss Drives and Honeywell have signed an agreement to explore possible collaboration on automation systems with integrated architectures, with the aim of cutting downtime and engineering costs. They plan to address the limitations of traditional automation systems, which often force operators to choose between highly integrated, closed architectures that lack flexibility, and open architectures that provide flexibility but suffer from limited data integration and interoperability.

The collaboration is aiming to resolve data integration and interoperability issues across automation platforms by offering an open, integrated platform. This will enable both companies to offer benefits to customers, including lower time-to-operation, reduced engineering times and costs, support for predictive maintenance, and enhanced information for operators.

“With this collaboration, we will finally be able to improve data integration, while addressing the lack of flexibility across automation platforms,” explains Danfoss Drives’ president, Mika Kulju. “The potential to drive growth and deliver enhanced value to our customers is enormous, hence I can only emphasise our strong commitment to making this partnership a success.”

Pramesh Maheshwari, president of Honeywell Process Solutions, adds that the partnership “marks a transformative step in automation for the industry, ensuring process operators can work with the most accurate data available. Together with Danfoss, Honeywell will help drive efficiency and flexibility through automation solutions for our customers.”

The two companies have signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding. Their joint efforts could impact sectors such as battery manufacturing, specialty chemicals, mining, and metals and minerals.

Pramesh Maheshwari, president of Honeywell Process Solutions (left) and Mika Kulju, president of Danfoss Drives (right) at the signing of their memorandum of understanding to explore a collaboration on automation systems.

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Honeywell:  Twitter  LinkedIn  Facebook

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