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Platform unites robots and sensors, boosting development

02 March, 2023

An Israeli developer of robot software has announced a new capability that integrates autonomous robots with sensors, cameras and automation systems, thus cutting robot development times by up to 60%. Cogniteam says, for example, that the development will allow cameras and other sensors to track autonomous robots as they collect laboratory samples, picking a path that gives them uninterrupted access.

Cogniteam adds that the ability to develop and manage a robot, along with its IoT environment, on one platform will also result in more reliable Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) devices, developed using its Nimbus’ library of field-deployed software components. Sensors can be programmed alongside the robot, allowing it to follow a clear path to its destination.

External factors, such as people crossing an autonomous robot’s path, can pose challenges to these systems. To address this, software and hardware engineers code communication protocols and develop standards that can be understood by both IoT and IoRT devices, but not on the same platform. This opens up potential errors due to a misalignments between the various software components, or inconsistencies between development platforms.

In some cases, this may merely be an inconvenience, but it can be catastrophic for autonomous robots in mission-critical roles. In response, Cogniteam has bolstered its robotic operating system to manage the full lifecycle process for individual IoRT devices (or fleets of them), and IoT devices. The software now includes packets for leading IoT devices, along with their communication protocols, in a drag-and-drop format.

Cogniteam CEO, Dr Yehuda Elmaliah: exciting new opportunities

“Successful robot deployments demand a single development platform for both the machine and facility integration,” says Dr Yehuda Elmaliah, co-founder and CEO of Cogniteam. “Bringing both the robotic and environmental IoT device development under one roof opens exciting new opportunities.”

“This is a major step in integrating robots in a shared human space,” adds Cogniteam research scientist, Dr Eliahu Khalastchi. “We’re training robots to read social cues and act in a more predictable and natural manner when on the street or in a facility, completing its mission while naturally interacting with humans”.

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