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Drives & Controls Show joins ‘industrial Glastonbury’ line-up

21 November, 2022

The Nineteen Group, the exhibition organiser which recently acquired the Drives & Controls Show and its sister events AirTech and Fluid Power & Systems from DFA Media, has announced that they will appear as “zones” at the Manufacturing & Engineering Week event at the NEC in June 2023, before returning as stand-alone exhibitions in 2024.

The week-long event – which Nineteen is promoting as “the Glastonbury of the industrial sector” – will combine live and digital events. It will include the Design & Engineering Expo and Maintec exhibitions as well as events that Nineteen acquired when it bought The Hennik Group, publisher of The Manufacturer, earlier this year. These include the Smart Factory Expo, the SME Growth Summit, the Sustainable Manufacturing Digitalisation Summit and the Manufacturing Top 100 Awards.

“We launched the first Manufacturing & Engineering Week this year and I referred to our ambition as being about building a Hannover Messe type event,” says Nineteen Group CEO, Peter Jones. “However, in 2023, with the incredible additions we have made, I think Glastonbury is a more relevant reference point – something uniquely British that celebrates creativity and original thinking both on a large scale on our ‘main stages’, the centrepiece exhibitions, or on smaller stages, or virtually, where cutting-edge technology can be demonstrated, or industry thought-leaders can inspire through a series of topical sessions.”

The main exhibitions will take place at the Birmingham NEC on 7 and 8 June 2023. The zone dedicated to Drives & Controls and the other former DFA Media events will provide educational content, including an Automation and Robotics Theatre.

Nineteen Group CEO, Peter Jones: something uniquely British

“We are so pleased to have the addition of Smart Factory Expo and Drives and Controls, and its sister events incorporated within Manufacturing & Engineering Week 2023” says Haf Cennydd, who is overseeing the Manufacturing & Engineering Week portfolio for Nineteen. “The sheer scale of our ambition for Manufacturing & Engineering Week means that it will produce a momentum and a focus on the industrial sector that will benefit all.”

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