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Remote service will cut VSD failure rates by ‘up to 65%’

31 May, 2022

Schneider Electric has announced a service plan for variable-speed drives that, it claims, will cut the risk of VSD failures by up to 65%, as well as reducing maintenance and planned downtime by up to 20%. The EcoStruxure Service Plan combines round-the-clock remote monitoring with preventive condition-based maintenance.

The new service, announced at the Hannover Messe, is based on similar schemes that Schneider already offers for managing LV and MV electrical assets such as transformers, switchgear and circuit breakers, as well as three-phase UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) up to 40kVA.

The plan provides dynamic schedules for maintaining VSDs, combined with preventive visits. By monitoring the VSDs 24/7, potential issues can be detected, allowing users to reduce unscheduled and unnecessary downtime, extending asset lives, optimise operations, and improve safety for operators and equipment.

Schneider claims that its new service plan for VSDs will cut maintenance and planned downtime by up to 20%

Experts monitor the health of the connected VSDS remotely and offer recommendations for optimising their performance with customised quarterly reports and annual consultations. They will also will notify customers if they identify potential issues, suggesting corrective actions that can be implemented on-line or on-site.

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