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Remote monitoring system helps to cut downtime

22 June, 2018

Eriks has announced an Industry 4.0-compatible condition-monitoring system for remote access to, and predictive maintenance of, critical industrial assets. Called e-Connect, it monitors and gathers data on crucial assets to provide insights into their condition, behaviour and performance. This information can be used to cut the downtime and costs associated with unexpected maintenance and repairs.

There are five versions, ranging from a basic check and alarm model, to an advanced diagnostic and prognostic evaluation system. Each can handle four, six or eight channels as standard, and can be extended if required.

The system provides real-time information on variables including pressure, vibration, speed, viscosity, and current. With some versions, users can receive this information remotely to monitor assets even when they are off-site.

The system identifies and removes the root causes of machine problems before they affect production. It warns of imminent failures or underperforming equipment. Optional functions include predictive stocking, spares supply chain management, near-miss analytics and big data analyses.

Eriks says that its scalable condition-monitoring system can identify and remove the root causes of machine problems before they affect production

Users can also connect the system to Erik’s cloud-based know-how platform, which provides access to technical advice, as well as support for monitoring, maintenance and data interpretation.

“The e-Connect system helps users to improve awareness of crucial assets located both on- and off-site,” explains Eriks’ condition-monitoring manager, David Manning-Ohren. “Condition monitoring of this nature is this year’s must-have technology – not least because of the efficiency, productivity and safety gains that can be made. E-Connect offers these, and more.”

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