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Sales of MV and HV motors expand in South-East Asia

22 July, 2013

Sales of medium- and high-voltage motors in South-East Asia will climb from $615.4m in 2012 to reach $802m by 2019, according to a new forecast from Frost & Sullivan.

It says that demand will be boosted by a growing need for new automation technologies in industries such as power generation, oil and gas, chemicals and petrochemicals, metals and mining, and water and wastewater. The market will also benefit from increasing environmental concerns and regulations that require high-efficiency motors.

With users looking for quality and reliability when choosing MV and HV motors for use in critical equipment, competition from low-cost manufacturers is not as pronounced as it is for LV motors. However, it cannot be neglected, says F&S, and established vendors are coming up with technologies that decrease maintenance costs and power losses in motors.

One such technology is equipment that monitors the health of motors continuously. It allows maintenance to be carried out before a motor fails, cutting maintenance and downtime costs. As a result, the high initial investments in MV and HV motors can be offset through faster returns. To ensure market expansion, manufacturers need to educate end-users of these benefits, as well as the quality and reliability of MV and HV motors, Frost & Sullivan suggests.

“Established companies are looking to consolidate their market position through strategic mergers and acquisitions, which will help complete their product range and gain local acceptance,” says F&S industrial automation and process control research analyst, Vineeth Purushotham. “The recent ABB acquisition of Baldor Electric, the leading supplier of MV and HV motors in North America, is a clear indicator of this fact. Though the main objective was to acquire a share in the American market, ABB’s product range widened through the acquisition, making it a force to reckon with in the South-East Asian market.”

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