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Super-efficient motor `captures energy from space`
Published:  15 September, 2008

A Brazilian scientist claims to have developed a novel motor that requires about a quarter as much power as a conventional motor and delivers five times the torque. The scientist, Dr Norberto Keppe, says that his motor works "by capturing scalar energy from the vacuum of space". Electricity is only needed to start this capturing process.

Keppe says that a 3W version of his motor will drive a fan that normal requires a 60–80W motor, and that his machines do not get hot. He adds that, depending on their size, the motors can be up to 20 times more efficient than conventional machines. He says that he has built a 3,500 rpm machine that weighs 400g and consumes 15W, and a 4,500 rpm version weighing 250g.

The Keppe motor was demonstrated in California last month and can be seen in a video that can downloaded from Keppe`s Web site.

Keppe, a psychoanalyst by training, has based his motor designs on a new theory of physics "that completely transcends the postulates of Newton and Einstein". He has outlined his theory in a book called The new physics derived from a disinverted metaphysics.

As well as the motor, the theory has also spawned new form of psychotherapy called "analytical trilogy" which, according to its Web site, can help to cure ailments such as procastination, uncontrollable blushing and depression

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