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440kW servo is `world`s largest`

01 July, 2003

440kW servo motor is `world`s largest`

GE Fanuc Automation claims to have produced the world`s largest synchronous servo motor. The 400V AC motor - which delivers a maximum torque of 5.5kNm, a maximum output of 440kW, and a top speed of 2,000 rpm - is part of a new series of IEC-compliant high-end servo and spindle motors.

The massive Alpha 3000HVis motor is intended for applications such as presses and injection machines. It has a rated output of 220kW and a stall torque of 3kNm. There is also a slightly smaller model, with a maximum torque of 3.8kNm, a maximum output of 400kW, and a rated output of 200kW.

The large motors are part of a family of rare-earth-based servo motors designed to deliver higher torques and top speeds than their predecessors, while being shorter. The Alpha is motors (shown above with matching, high-capacity servo ampliofiers) operate from 230V or 400V supplies and produce torques from 2Nm-3kNm and speeds of up to 5,000 rpm. A typical model is 39% shorter than its forerunner, while delivering 25% more torque and a top speed that is 33% faster.

Similarly, GE Fanuc`s new Alpha iT range of AC spindle motors deliver more power and higher speeds than earlier models. They use ceramic bearings to achieve maximum continuous speeds of up to 20,000 rpm, and have continuous power ratings from 1.5-22kW.

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