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Industrial UPS is `100% reliable`

17 May, 2011

Phoenix Contact claims to have developed the first industrial UPS (uninterruptible power supply) that provides 100% power supply reliability when the mains supply fails. The “intelligent” Quint UPS-IQ UPS recognises the type of battery being used, and charges it optimally. It also displays the state-of-charge and the remaining run-time.

With previous UPS systems, users have had to set the buffer time by hand. However, they didn’t know how the battery was performing and because battery performance decreases with age or in high ambient temperatures, the battery often could not supply the energy for the set buffer time, resulting in power supply failures.

The new UPS determines key battery parameters such as a voltage and temperature. Its management system knows the battery’s state of charge and calculates the remaining buffer time. It also knows the remaining lifetime of the battery, thus avoiding supply interruptions and premature shutdowns of industrial PCs. Servicing can be planned and energy storage devices no longer need to be replaced prematurely.

To calculate the charging current, the UPS communicates with the battery and the power supply. Using this data, it can charge the battery twice as fast as a conventional UPS, says Phoenix.

The supplies are available with output currents from 5–40A, 24V. A UPS with a 500VA output can address applications from 85–264V AC. With a 5A load current, buffer times are eight hours; with a 40A current, they are 30 minutes.

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