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Gregory gathers a gong in New Year`s honours

01 December, 2002

Gregory gathers a gong in New Year`s honours

Professor Michael Gregory, head of Cambridge University`s Institute for Manufacturing, has been awarded a CBE in the the New Year`s honours list. Other recipients of CBEs include Peter Davies, chief executive of Pera, for services to business innovation, and Maureen Rooney, national women`s officer with the Amalgamated Engineering and Electrical Union, for services to industrial relations.

Professor Duc Truong Pham, head of the systems division at the Cardiff School of Engineering, has been awarded a CBE for services to engineering, while Keith Beattie, chief engineer on the London Underground, has collected an OBE for services to safety.

Joan Mason, a founder of the Association for Women in Science and Engineering (Wise), has picked up an MBE for services to women in science..

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