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Couplings set sail for round-the-world race
Published:  01 February, 2005

Couplings set sail for round-the-world race

Shipley-based Centa Transmissions is supplying the power transmission couplings for the ten identical yachts that will take part in Sir Robin Knox-Johnston`s Clipper 05-06 Round the World Yacht Race, which starts from Liverpool in September.

The yachts` engine supplier, Perkins Sabre, has specified Centa`s Centaflex DS30 flexible couplings for the M130C engines that will provide auxiliary engine power for the 20.7m yachts. The six-cylinder, six-litre engines develop maximum power at 2,600 rpm. They are fitted with Hurth HSW 450A, 2.03:1 reduction gearboxes and the couplings will eliminate gearbox noise caused by engine torsional vibration.

This is the second time that Centa has provided couplings for the Round the World Race, having supplied them for the last Clipper event in 2002-3. This year`s yachts are 2.4m longer than their predecessors, weigh some two tonnes less, and are up to 30% faster.

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