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Entries are about to close for 2022/23 Buyer’s Guide

12 July, 2022

The July/August edition of Drives & Controls magazine will contain our annual Buyer’s Guide for Drives, Automation, Power Transmission and Motion Control. For more than 35 years, this has been an essential tool for buyers and users of these products, offering easy-to access information on who makes and sells what, and how to contact them. There is nothing else like it in the UK market.

For many engineers, the Buyer's Guide is an indispensable reference source that they keep close at hand so that they can access information quickly when they are looking for details of who supplies particular technologies or services in the UK. The Guide uses a table format making it easier to compare different suppliers in 18 different product categories.

In addition to the printed edition, which is sent to more than 20,000 ABC-audited individuals in print and digital formats, there is also an online version of the products and services directory which receives more than 150,000 visitor sessions every year. Visitors can search the online version by company name or look for specific technologies. The online Guide has recently undergone a significant upgrade, giving it a more modern feel with an improved graphical interface.

There is no charge to UK companies for entries in the Buyer's Guide. If your company is not yet included in the listings, you can sign up. Entries for the 2022/2023 Guide close on 25 July, but it is advisable not to wait until the last minute.

The tabular format of the Buyers’ Guide makes it easy to compare suppliers

Every year, more than 900 companies are listed in the Buyer's Guide. If you want your company to stand out from the other entries, there are various ways of enhancing your entry, including adding your logo, social media links and contact details to the Guide and the Web site. There is also the option to include company profiles, videos and press releases with your entry in the online version of the guide.

To explore these options please contact either Damien Oxlee on 01732 370342 or or Andy Wylie on 01732 370341 or

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