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SKF and ABB boost collaboration on industrial automation

08 July, 2022

SKF and ABB have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore possibilities for collaborating on the automation of manufacturing processes. They plan to identify and evaluate ideas for improving manufacturing capabilities and improving production efficiencies, potentially leading to future strategic collaborations.

As a first step, SKF’s existing investments in automation and clean manufacturing processes will act as a testbed, focused on cutting CO2 emissions in its own operations. In the longer term, ABB and SKF intend to explore new business opportunities in both existing and new markets.

The MoU – which was signed by SKF CEO Rickard Gustafson and ABB CEO Björn Rosengren at ABB’s Robotics Experience Center in Sweden – follows several joint projects in the bearing-maker’s global manufacturing network, including one in a factory in Gothenburg, where a fleet of ABB robots have been installed.

The companies have signed contracts for projects in the fields of advanced manufacturing automation, random robotic bin-picking, and installing logistics automation in workshops to evaluate how robots can be used for quality assurance.

SKF’s CEO Gustafson says the company is increasing the automation of its production facilities “to stay ahead of our competition and improve our environmental performance. This also enables a more flexible and safer working environment. ABB is an important partner for us in this area and we, as two leading industrial companies, will continue to develop innovative solutions to further increase the competitiveness of our customers”.

SKF CEO Rickard Gustafson (left) and ABB CEO Björn Rosengren at the signing of the MoU

ABB CEO Rosengren adds: “The demand for automation is increasing, driven by declining working age populations, rising labour costs, and industry’s efforts to create resource-efficient operations in the transition to more sustainable manufacturing. I am therefore pleased to announce this deepened partnership alongside SKF, further strengthening our technical leadership”.

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