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‘First multi-colour camera’ adapts to product changes

19 November, 2018

Omron has announced what it calls the “world’s first multi-colour smart camera”. When a product design is changed or a new model introduced on a production line, users can simply change parameters on the FHV7 camera, rather than needing to fine-tune or replace the lighting.

The camera’s sensor has a “best-in-class” 12-Megapixel resolution, eliminating the need to install multiple cameras, or to move cameras to view different inspection points. Similarly, an auto-focus lens, with a focal length from 59–2,000mm, allows the focus to adjusted to cater for products of differing sizes.

Omron adds that these capabilities avoid the need for special skills when installing and adjusting the cameras.

A dual-core processor is claimed to deliver the fastest processing in a smart camera, allowing production cycle times to be maintained even if the resolution is increased or more items are inspected. A high-speed algorithm compresses images “twice as fast” as previous systems, and measurements can be made while image data is being saved.

Omron claims that its FHV7 smart camera sets new benchmarks for processing power, resolution and size

Finally, the FHV7 camera occupies a quarter of the volume of Omron’s current FH series, which offer similar image-processing capabilities (but at a lower resolution and without the multi-colour capabilities).

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