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Drives & Controls show is rescheduled to April 2022

30 September, 2020

The Drives & Controls Exhibition and the other co-located industrial shows organised by DFA Media, have been postponed from January 2021 to 5–7 April 2022, where they will run alongside the rescheduled Mach exhibition.

DFA says that it has been actively monitoring and following advice regarding the evolving Covid-19 pandemic situation. The company has made the decision to reschedule the events as a result of the continued uncertainty and local lockdowns, and following the UK Government’s recent announcement that it was going to the delay the restart of events such as trade shows from the 1 October date that it had originally announced in July.

The DFA events affected are Drives & Controls, Smart Industry Expo, Plant & Asset Management, Fluid Power & Systems and Air-Tech. They will now take place from 5–7 April 2022 in Halls 9 and 10 at the Birmingham NEC – the same halls they would have occupied for the January 2021 event.

“As a responsible events organiser, ensuring the health and well-being of all our exhibitors, contractors and visitors – many of whom face travel restrictions – has to be our top priority,” says DFA Media events director, Ian Atkinson. “Therefore, as a consequence of the continued global situation, the social distancing restrictions and the requirements of our exhibitors, we have taken the decision to postpone the events until April 2022.

“The rescheduled dates in April 2022 provide clarity and ensure we have time and space to deliver the same high-quality event we promised,” he adds, “providing a safe and secure environment conducive to business, networking and career development for the manufacturing sector that we serve.

The next Drives & Controls show will now take place in April 2022

“We thank all our exhibitors for their continued support during this unprecedented period and we look forward to working with all of our partners to deliver a safe and successful event in April 2022.”

• There have been no announcements yet about three other industrial shows – Subcon, The Engineer Expo and the Manufacturing Management Show – due to take place at the NEC in January 2021 at the same time as the DFA Media events.

  • To view a digital copy of the latest issue of Drives & Controls, click here.

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