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Open industrial edge app store works like a consumer store

26 November, 2021

Siemens has launched a vendor-independent app store for industrial buyers. As well as Siemens’ own Industrial Edge apps for the discrete and machine tool industries, the store will offer apps from third-party suppliers that support the platform such as Braincube, Cybus, SeioTec and Tosibox.

Customers will be able to choose from a broad range of software components, from numerous providers and manufacturers, which they can then integrate into their manufacturing processes in a standardised manner.

The store already offers apps covering connectivity, data storage, visualisation and analysis, machine monitoring, and energy and asset management.

The cross-manufacturer marketplace is intended to serve as a transaction mechanism for Siemens’ Industrial Edge platform which allows the scalable deployment of IT technologies and apps in production environments.

The open platform will act as an edge computing ecosystem where B2B (business-to-business) customers can buy and operate multiple software components. The experience will be familiar to users of B2C (business-to-consumer) app stores. In a few steps, they can fill a shopping cart, place an order, pay and use their products immediately. Credit card payments are possible as well as traditional payment methods.

Siemens’ Industrial Edge app store will allow visitors to select, buy and use software with a few clicks

The suppliers do not need to interact directly with customers during the ordering, payment, and delivery process. Siemens argues that the platform is an ideal way for app developers to access the industrial automation market.

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