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‘First smart camera with deep learning’ tackles complex tasks

23 April, 2020

Cognex has announced what it describes as the world’s first industrial smart camera to be powered by deep learning. The self-contained In-Sight D900 embedded vision system incorporates the company’s ViDi deep learning software and is aimed at complex in-line inspection applications such as optical character recognition, assembly verification and defect detection.

The system is said to combine the self-learning ability of a human inspector with the robustness and consistency of a vision system, and to expand the limits of what can be inspected in factory automation. It can be set up using a few sample images. It uses Cognex’s easy-to-use spreadsheet platform and does not need a PC or deep learning expertise to deploy.

“Sophisticated manufacturers are increasingly turning to deep learning vision to solve inspections that are too complicated, time-consuming, or costly to program using human or rule-based machine vision,” explains Cognex’s senior vice-president of vision products, Joerg Kuechen. “By embedding our ViDi deep learning software on In-Sight, customers can solve even the most complex visual inspections quickly, easily, and more cost-effectively.”

Cognex's new smart camera uses built-in deep learning to solve complex in-line inspection challenges

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